Intuitive Guidance with Martina & Hans Twinflames

Intuitive Guidance with Martina & Hans Twinflames

150.00 $510.00 $ Including tax

  • EUR: 142.85 € - 485.69 €

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Intuitive Guidance with Martina & Hans Twinflames

This session is for you who is/ are on your spiritual journey and experience that you are stuck, have difficult challenges or want to know more about how you can move forward in different areas. You can be an advanced soul of some kind, , twin flame, empathetic, highly sensitive, soulmate or be in a karmic relationship. Our sessions look different and it is you who chooses what you want guidance, guidance and healing for right now on your journey!

Topics that you can cover include:

* You may feel or think that you are here on earth with a mission that includes helping people?
* You may want to know more about your spiritual gifts or what you are meant to do in life?
* Maybe you are stuck in certain patterns that hinder you in life?
* You may be struggling with recurring emotions, situations or relationships?

During this session we can also help with:

* Balancing and healing dysfunctional patterns in relationships in general
* The twin flame journey – Healing and guidance in the various processes not mentioned above
* Guidance and healing for soulmates or other spiritual relationships
* Soul reading from the Akasha Archive
* Purification of energies in you, in your relationships and also in your home
* Guidance for you who are advanced soul, indigo or highly sensitive / empathetic
* Guidance on your spiritual journey
* Help to develop your intuition
* Transformation of blockages from this or previous life
* Help clear and remove energy strings, soul contracts or anything else that hinders you
* Help to understand, manage and heal emotionally
* Healing of the inner child
* Healing and upgrading your entire energy system
* Balancing of all chakras and aura
* To remove initiations from this and past lives
* See patterns and locks that prevent you from moving forward and being one with your soul

Individual session or with your partner (mainly for twin flames) is normally done via zoom

Once we receive the payment we will contact you to set up a time.

Also se our other sessions and visit us on Facebook.

Additional information


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